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Whats New?

June 6 2024

Well if you havent caught up yet. I hated the ending on the ones who live. But cant wait for the book of Carol to come on and then ofcourse Dead City. Lots of things will be coming soon. I think the Book of Carol will be coming out this Summer but not exactly sure when though. Anyways i hope you all like this layout <3 talk to you later. Going to move some things around and addsome things..

Have you seen the ones who Live?

April 27th 2024

It's been hella of a long time since I worked on this site but im back and going to keep doing what i love doing. How ever I decided to do a whole new layout and hope that you like it to. I got a few pages to work on tonight before it gets late and im pretty beat up and tired at the moment so before 1am. I am going to try and Finish up those pages if they don't load well i will finish them tomorrow. Sorry it sure what the Longest Day ever. I still need to go blog at Sheisloved. But Im really beat up i been up since 5am this morning. Well headover there to read my blog. Oh before i Forget The ones who live came out in Febuary and it is Good it shows Like a love story. I think they plan to come back and try to See the rest of their friends who were Family to them both.. I'm Probably going to finish the rest Tomorrow.. Im tired so goodnight <3

Walking Dead The ones who Live - 11/10/23